Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Beginning

I started the 'about me" section with : Twenty Something Female on the verge of a Mental Collapse when she thinks about her Future" and quickly deleted it. I dont think I am Mentally Collapsing, Not really, but it sure feels that way sometimes.  So I am going to use this blog for a number of things, but mostly to find answers for a few questions:

1. How do You turn a passion for something into a career/very lucrative Side job that can help financially pay for a down payment on a condo, trips to exotic countries and a new Car for Mommy?

2. Why is it that women can do everything these days, but feel so inundated by all the options and possibilities?

3. How do we narrow down the possibilities and options to only stuff we can be good at and actually love and make money from? ( I know im not the oly person who thinks this)

4. Whats the best way of going about all of this, Still being a superwoman, super daughter, super girlfriend, Super Friend and still Keep sane, in this nasty Friggin Economy! argh.

Girls Girls please raise your hand, I cannot take all the advice given all at once!!! man oh man. this is going to be a fun journey.

I guess I should start with a little timeline.

* 2001College- Started making Jewelry for shits and giggles. then found that I really liked it.

* 2005- After College- Got really good at it, started going to flea markets and buying old vintage jewelry found in Shoe Boxes and fixing it up to make my own versions of AWESOME.

* 2006-First Apartment in Astoria - Finally had some money ( credit cards) and got into the Michaels Scene. Oh that devilish Michaels, its like a crack den for Crafters!! not only can you do jewelry, But they have Knitting, Paper, Stamping..... OH MY! ALSO Discovered also that the Dollar store is a great resource for cute odds and ends that can be used in EVERYTHING.

Ok its almost 3am. Chris is sleeping next to me and is taking the whole bed. Must go to sleep before he Dominates the bed!
More timeline tommorow.

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